Bad Benefits Page 5
It took them a few minutes to get used to each other and the tension was thick, but Hunter was determined.
When he drove them up to Corvette Diner, she giggled. "This is not what I expected for dinner."
"Well, I figure any guy can take you to some fancy douchey place." He laughed. "Relax, we’re here to play."
"To play, what?"
"Pick a game, any game. Even though this is a date, I will warn you that I will show you no quarter. I'm here to kick your ass."
And immediately, Bailey's competitive nature came out. "What? You think you're gonna kick my ass in arcade games? You're on."
Hunter laughed. She was so cute every time she got that determined look on her face. Nose scrunched, lips pursed slightly, it made him want to kiss her, but that could wait. For the time being, he was here to kick her ass.
Except that was not how it happened. After three rounds of Ms. Pac-Man, winner take all, King Kong, Ski Ball, and Hoops Shoot Out, they were evenly tied. Why was she so good at these? And how the hell had he not known that?
Usually they played bar games. Trivia, darts, pool. He actually had to try at some of these games. She was a demon at Miss Pac-Man. She’d won all three of those games. King Kong, he won. Ski Ball had been a heated battle and she’d won by one. And Hoops Shoot Out, he’d won by one. So, now it was down to Dance Dance Revolution.
He could only pray he wasn't going to get his ass kicked on this. But given the way she unzipped her boots, laid them to the side, and gave him a cheeky grin, he had a feeling an ass whooping was imminent.
And he was right. Baily was not above knocking him over or shoving his feet off of the little footpads, and he was pretty sure she made her boobs jiggle a little extra just to distract him. When they were done and she’d beaten him by over a thousand points, he demanded a rematch.
But once again he got distracted by her jiggling breasts.
"That was hardly fair. I'm pretty sure you were trying to distract me."
"If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen."
Hunter shook his head. "Next time we do this, I'll be ready for you."
"If you say so," she giggled.
"Come on, let's go eat."
But when he led her past the hostess stand, she jogged to catch up to him. "We’re not eating here?"
"I told you. We came here for the games. Now, I'm going to feed you. And find out all the secrets to how you got so good."
"A master never reveals her tricks."
"Yeah, whatever."
Again, he knew he'd surprised her with his dinner pick. They drove up to the food truck, Mini Chef.
"I love this food truck!" she squealed.
"I know. Why do you think I brought you here?"
If she had her pick, she’d spend her entire lunch hour most days driving around looking for it. They had this Korean BBQ sandwich she usually inhaled. He had no idea where she put any of that.
Her smile was warm when she turned to him. "You know, I didn’t think you were paying such close attention to me."
"Bailey, when it comes to you, I'm always paying attention. Come on, let's eat."
After their dinner, eaten on the curb along Juniper Street, she said, "Thank you. This was actually kind of perfect."
"Well, I do aim to please. But you don't think we’re done yet. Do you?"
"Oh yeah? What does the great Hunter Richards have up his sleeve this time?"
He stood and tugged her hand so that she stood in front of him. "Dessert, of course."
Her pupils dilated, and he bit back a groan. This was the perfect moment to kiss her. And fuck, did he want to. But there would be time enough for that. Right now, he was still in date mode. Once again, he put out his hand and Bailey took it without hesitation. With her this was so easy. With her this was so right. He just hoped that she would see it that way.
Their next stop was Belmont Park, straight to the funnel cake stand. They opted to share one because Bailey wanted to ride the roller coaster. And riding with a stomach full of funnel cake was not generally a good idea. As it was, they waited a full thirty minutes and Hunter managed to win her a giant Tweety Bird before they headed for the roller coaster. Tweety Bird even sat between them once the rickety ride started up.
As he watched her laugh and squeal, Hunter knew, no matter what happened next, he was never going to forget this night.
Bailey was in so much trouble.
She gnawed at her thumbnail, trying desperately to think of anything but how sexy Hunter looked. He’d surprised her by taking her to the arcade. When he’d convinced her that going on a date was a good idea, she’d assumed he planned to impress her. She’d braced herself for a pretentious restaurant with tiny portions that wouldn’t satisfy an ant and for Hunter to morph into someone else. A mirror image of all the other guys who’d tried to get in her pants.
That was really what she was afraid of, she had to admit. Taking their friendship to a different level meant by definition that they had to leave the level they were currently on. She didn’t want to leave this level. She liked this level. And more than anything, she liked knowing that her best friend Hunter would be there for her, no matter what.
Now the bastard had done the absolute worst thing in the world. He’d called her bluff and proven to her that dating him didn’t mean their friendship would disappear. It would just have a new, exciting layer of sexual tension sprinkled on top.
Which was a wonderful thing, but also completely nerve-wracking.
As they approached her door, Bailey’s nerves surged once again and she placed a hand against her stomach. It shouldn’t be such a big deal—after all, they’d already kissed. Multiple times. But they’d never kissed after going on the most fun date she’d ever been on. They’d never kissed with the knowledge that the fun date was over and it was time to decide if she wanted to take this new aspect of their relationship any further.
But no pressure or anything, right?
“I had a lot of fun tonight,” Hunter said as they reached her door. His dark eyes locked on hers and just like that, all her nerves were back.
“Me too. This wasn’t what I was expecting at all, but it was great. Perfect, actually. You're a really nice guy, Hunter.”
Instead of the smile she was expecting, his eyebrows drew together. He cursed softly and his hand tightened around hers. When he looked at her again, Bailey shivered. He was looking at her the same way he had the other times he’d kissed her. Intense. Wanting. Aggressive.
Basically the opposite of the Hunter she was used to.
He gripped her chin tightly and Bailey let out a soft moan. It shocked her that she enjoyed this side of him and there was no denying how wet it made her when he took control like this.
“Let’s get one thing straight, sweetheart. I’m glad you enjoyed our date. I’ll always work overtime to make sure you get everything you want and everything you need. But I am not,” he leaned down until his lips were brushing hers with every word, “that fucking nice.”
As soon as the word left his lips, his mouth crashed down on hers. All thoughts flew from Bailey’s mind until her whole world contracted into Hunter’s mouth devouring hers and his hand cupping her ass through her leggings.
Bailey lost all sense of time and place, and no longer cared about anything but feeling his skin against hers. She wrapped her legs around his waist. He grumbled something that she didn’t catch, but in the next moment she didn’t care what he’d said because he aligned himself perfectly between her legs and oh my god, was that really as big as it felt?
“Bailey, fuck you feel good, sweetheart. I knew you would.” He continued growling things against her skin in between kisses and his deep voice sent shivers up and down her spine.
It made her crazy, he made her crazy, and she no longer had control of her body. Bailey was no longer running the control tower because her pussy had taken the reins and it wanted to feel that monster in hi
s pants come out to play.
Bailey grabbed his hair, holding on for dear life as she rode him like a show pony, rubbing herself against him shamelessly. Even with all the layers of clothes, it felt amazing, and she wondered why the hell they’d taken so long to do this. And why were they wearing clothes again?
Then she wasn’t thinking anything as fireworks exploded through her body. Jesus Christ. She’d just come. Right in the fucking hallway.
Hunter growled his approval as his hands left her ass. One crept under her shirt and the other found its way into her panties. Oh Jesus Horatio Christ. When his hands found her breasts spilling over her bra, he moaned. And when his hands moved to her pants and his fingers found her slick, he bit her.
“So fucking sexy, Bailey. You know exactly what you’re doing to me, don’t you? You’re such a little tease.” He slid two fingers inside her while he teased her nipple. “You could take my big dick right now couldn’t you? You naughty girl.”
It came out like an accusation but apparently he was speaking a language that her pussy understood, because that traitorous bitch just preened at his words as if to say, Yes, I do like to tease cocks. But it’s because they enjoy it so much. It clenched hard around his questing fingers, and Bailey moaned. She needed more of him.
There was a loud whistle and they sprung apart at the sound. Bailey shook her head to clear the fog from her brain. Mrs. Potts, a sweet elderly woman who always seemed to wear cardigans no matter the weather, was standing in her doorway watching them.
“Normally I wouldn’t be a cock block,” she warbled in her reedy voice, “but my grandkids are here and they’ll be leaving soon. It’s a little early for them to get the birds-and-the-bees talk.”
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry, Mrs. Potts!” Bailey turned and grabbed her keys from her purse, which had dropped to the ground during their frantic fumbling. She opened the door to her apartment and Hunter followed her inside, chuckling the whole way.
“It’s not funny! We just scandalized my eighty-year-old neighbor!”
Hunter didn’t even bother trying to hide his amusement. “In case you didn’t notice, she didn’t seem all that scandalized. Hell, I’d wager she stood there and watched for a while before she said anything. Besides, she said cock, so how scandalized can she be?”
That thought was even worse than the previous so Bailey covered her ears. “I’m not listening.”
Hunter grabbed her hands and pulled her against him. Bailey wasn’t expecting the sudden motion, so she fell against his chest in an awkward heap.
“Where were we before the interruption?”
As his head lowered toward hers, Bailey knew that this was make-it-or-break-it time. She could either put a stop to it and always wonder how good they could have been together. Or she could put her big girl panties on and take a chance.
Bailey looked down at the large bulge in the front of Hunter’s pants.
Come on, it taunted her. You know you want to see what we can do. And you really want to see if I’m as big as I look.
Oh hell, she thought. You only live once and she sure as hell wasn’t going to live the rest of her life wondering if she’d let the cock of her dreams go by just because she was afraid of getting hurt.
Plus if the look in Hunter’s eyes was any indication, he knew how to make it hurt real good.
Hunter watched as Bailey stepped back and whipped her shirt over her head, leaving her in only a black bra and the tightest black leather pants ever invented to torture the male mind.
Instantly, his cock tried to punch through his jeans and he tried to slow his arousal down. He couldn’t blow this. He thought of baseball stats, his last marketing campaign, and tried to remember how much horsepower his favorite muscle car had. It was no use, his mind and his cock refused to be distracted from the monumental hotness of Bailey Jones.
Her blond hair was an absolute mess around her head, strands falling over the cleavage spilling from her bra. Her blue eyes stood out against the blush on her cheeks. She looked adorable and somehow naughty at the same time.
“This might be a bad idea, but I officially don’t care anymore. I want you, Hunter.”
Her voice lowered at the last part into a husky purr and he almost came right then and there.
“Jesus, Bailey. I want you too, sweetheart. But we’re not rushing this. I’ve been dreaming about what I’d do to you if I had the chance for too long.”
“You’ve been dreaming about me?” She twisted a strand of hair around her finger nervously.
Oh hell no, that wouldn’t do. He didn’t want her nervous and over-thinking things. Luckily, he knew exactly how to take her mind off anything other than how good he could make her feel. That was something else he’d been dreaming about for months.
He picked her up and she squeaked as she grabbed at his shoulders. He’d been in her place enough times that he didn’t need directions. Her bedroom was a girly paradise and he’d watched her getting ready too many times, often fantasizing about pushing her down on that ruffled comforter and burying his face between her legs. He set her on the edge of the bed carefully. Bailey watched him warily as he tugged and pulled until he had her leather pants around her ankles. She giggled and kicked them to the floor and then turned and scrambled across the bed, giving him a heart-stopping view of her luscious ass.
The devil made him do it. Honestly, he really couldn’t help himself. But he had to do it. When he landed a palm across her ass, her delicate skin pinked and he cursed softly. “You are really trying to kill me,” he mumbled before shedding his own clothes.
When she turned and saw that he was naked, she blushed. “You don’t waste any time, huh?”
He shook his head silently, too turned on to bother with conversation at this point. Without a word, he reached out and grabbed her ankle to pull her down gently until she was right in front of him. With her legs spread open, she looked like a centerfold, all blonde hair and breasts and smooth skin.
“Oh wow, you’ve always been efficient.” Bailey moaned as he leaned over her and kissed her neck.
His fingers made quick work of the front clasp of her bra, and then her breasts were free. Her candy-pink nipples beckoned and he took his time lavishing them with soft, suctioning kisses. One day he’d spend hours just torturing these beauties, but today he had a different destination in mind.
“Hunter… please.”
Her soft pleas only kicked his arousal into high gear as she squirmed beneath the path of his tongue as it traveled over her softly rounded belly and then lower. And lower. And…
“Oh my god. Hunter!”
He growled against the soft lips of her pussy, hard as a rock from her response. Her legs fell open shamelessly as he worked her little clit, the tiny bundle of nerves standing up like it was trying to flag down his attention. Well, never let it be said he didn’t give the people what they wanted. Hunter growled again, letting her hear his pleasure at her taste, and her fingers curled into the sheets next to his head.
Oh hell yes, that was exactly what he wanted to see. Watching her response and hearing her helpless little cries as she writhed beneath him made him crazy. He had to rein in his caveman desire to spread her open and fuck her immediately.
Slow down. This is Bailey. We need to take care of her. Make sure she’s satisfied.
As she shrieked and her pussy clenched against his mouth, his arguments for slowing down lost some of their power. Especially when her fingers latched onto his ears in a death grip.
“Hunter, please. Fuck me, oh god, I need it.”
His cock stood up straight as if to say Yes, ma’am. Hunter swept his arm around the floor wildly, praying he’d find his pants. He pulled back slightly and Bailey whimpered at the loss of contact.
“Hold on baby, I’m coming back.”
He got a condom on in record time and then he was back between her thighs. She let out a sigh of relief that sent his ego into the stratosphere. Her lashes rested against her cheeks and
she looked like an angel.
“Fuck me, Hunter. What the hell is taking so long?”
He chuckled. She was an angel with a dirty mouth. Before she could berate him any more, he lifted one of her legs, curled it around his waist and notched his cock right against her pussy. She mewled at the contact, moving and wiggling like she was trying to force him inside.
“You ready, baby girl?”
Go slow. Go slow. Go slow. He was trying. He really was. But with Bay, it was next to impossible. He knew he was big. He just prayed the two orgasms she’d already had would ease the slide. Her frantic nod paused when he bucked his hips and thrust balls deep in one stroke. So much for going slow.
“Oh fuck.” Bailey’s hands left the sheets and clamped on his ass cheeks, holding him against her. She shuddered and looked up at him with the most arresting fuck-me expression. “You’re so big.” She hissed in a deep breath.
Hunter held himself still. She felt like a slippery, silken glove around his dick and he prayed he could go slow. “Breathe, Bay. Nice and easy. Are you okay?”
“Yes, that’s what I need.”
Oh hell. Hunter growled at her words and snapped his hips again, pulling out almost all the way and then burying himself completely in the soft, wet, willing pussy that was begging for him almost as blatantly as her owner.
God. Damn.
He set up a fierce rhythm, fucking her so deep and hard that her headboard slammed against the wall. Mrs. Potts and all the rest of her neighbors could probably hear it, and he didn’t fucking care.
On the next retreat, he pulled out, glancing down at where their bodies were joined. Her lips were so sweet, pink, perfect. One day, he was going to sink into her bare. One day, he was going to come inside her. His cock twitched at the thought.
But today was not that day. Instead, with his fingers, he spread apart her lips, opening her up for him. He notched his dick directly over her clit and proceeded to slide.
Baily bucked, nearly unseating him and he couldn’t help the smirk. When she started to shake, he slid his free hand to her ass, cupping it and holding her in place as he conducted his slow torture. His squeezed her ass gently and Bailey’s eyes rolled back into her skull.